Thursday, May 5, 2011


I refer you back to the original post of this blog.  The question was:  "If (by some convoluted moral morass) legislation passed that legalized shooting the owner of dogs that yipped late at night and disturbed their neighbors, does that mean that it is no longer wrong?  For this discussion, I will choose "YES" as the correct answer.

 Wow, what freedom I now have!  I have begun eagerly pursuing purchasing a firearm, both to protect myself (I have two, normally quiet, dogs), and to solve a 2 month problem with my next door neighbor.  As I flip through the Cabella's magazine that is laying around, my mind starts spinning a bit.  Wait a sec, what does this truly mean?

If I can justify my behaviors based solely on the legal code, this means that other tremendous changes can be pursued.  You see, I've always wanted to dreamed of driving a Corvette, but can, sadly, NOT afford one.  Therefore, I am now convinced that it should be okay for me to go and take one from a dealership without paying.  My life-long dreams are sacred, after all.  If I can persuade enough people to side with me, we can eventually make this happen.  What amazing possibilities are in store!

Apparently, if this is the correct answer, the legal code can be built upon what the majority desires, be it peace and safety, or be it a quiet neighborhood and a shiny red Z06.  This, of course, does cause me to pause.  What if the majority wants things that are harmful to others?  Maybe this is be the line which should be drawn.  That must be it:  If it is harmful to others, it cannot be legal.

Hold on, hold on. Who defines what it means to be harmful to others?  Apparently whoever that entity is now is in full control over what my behavior should or should not be. 

This choice has led me into a labyrinth of definitions and opinions, and I am now helpless to find a true direction to base my moral compass upon.  I will just wing it, and defend my mistakes vehemently.  I hope that my subconscious mind does not entice me to commit dreadful mistakes by finding some logical, but wrong, structure to justify my actions.  Wow, do I feel confused.  I am lost at sea.